Page-turning nonfiction
The stories I write delve into the mysteries of human evil. Saints live among us, but so do monsters.
Anne K. Howard
Best Selling and Award-Winning Author

Anne K. Howard writes dramatic nonfiction in as truthful and fact-based a manner as possible. Having practiced law for 20 years, she is able to sift through large volumes of research and legal information and craft the hodgepodge of facts and ideas into gripping stories. Anne holds an undergraduate degree in English Literature from McGill University, where she graduated with Distinction. She has a Juris Doctorate from University of Cincinnati College of Law, where she graduated with Dean’s Honors. Anne writes nonfiction because she is fascinated by the human psyche and she loves the written word.
Nonfiction Books
Escape from Mariupol: A Survivor’s True Story, WildBlue Press, 2022

Customer Reviews
As expected, reading about the atrocities of war was frightening, but there was something more disturbing than the horrors Adoriana endured underground and the bloody carnage she witnessed on the streets of the city she called home. Once displaced, she was often treated as a pariah because of events over which she had no control. Not only did I see how a sudden turn of events could put me in those torn, blood-splattered boots she wore for weeks on end, I saw how quickly any one of us could become "the other" in a world that largely chooses to ignore, if not denigrate, refugees.
This book's smooth, clear prose swiftly carries the reader along and is hard to put down.
- William Howell
21st Century Serial Killers, Season 1, Episode 3 - “Exclusive: Prison interview with Connecticut’s William Devin Howell”
True Crime Daily, 2018 - William Devin Howell | Sick Ripper feat. Anne K. Howard
The Serial Killer Podcast - Author Interview, “Escape from Mariupol: A Survivor’s True Story”
Darkness Radio, Season 17, Episode 149 - Author Interview: “How to Get Out of Ukraine Alive!!!”
True Crime Uncensored with Burl Barer & Mark Boyer, December 17, 2022 - Escape from Mariupol: A Survivor’s True Story by Adoriana Marik and Anne Howard
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